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Q: What is Santivia Immune? 
A: Santivia Immune is a safe and unique dietary supplement. It is the only product which contains a proprietary blend of AiE10® and Blueberry Fruit Extract.

AiE10® is a purified whey extract which is most effective in aiding your body’s natural ability to build new cells, modulate/regulate immune function and sustain immune system performance. 

This is combined with the antioxidant-rich Blueberry Fruit Extract which helps protect your body against free radicals. Free radicals cause cell and DNA damage. Blueberries are also known to have a positive effect on your brain function, memory and heart.

This supplement is specially formulated to be suitable for the whole family- children, adults, the elderly. It is made in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified facility in USA.


Q: What are the ingredients in Santivia Immune?
A: AiE10® Refined Lacteal Complex from Whey, Blueberry Fruit Extract (Vaccinium Cyanococcus), Vegetable Cellulose, Silica, Magnesium Stearate. It is suitable for vegetarians.

Q: What is AiE10® Refined Lacteal Complex?
A:  AiE10® is a dietary ingredient that has been shown to possess a unique ability to repair, restore and maintain the immune function resulting in improved immune competence and balance.

It is whey derived from the milk of a privately managed herd of organically raised cows, bred specifically to produce AiE10®. They receive, using patented and proprietary processes, an infusion of an array of specifically prepared antigens. The natural reaction is the cows produce over 60 small immune-active molecules reactive to common bacterium strains of staphylococcus aureus (staph), streptococcus (strep), e-coli, salmonella and pseudomonas aeruginosa (pseudomonas), which causes infection.

This accomplishes passive immunisation to these bacterium strains. These immune-active molecules can only come from a mammal source which is why it benefits us as humans. They cannot be produced from a plant source.

During the process, large milk proteins are removed. It is, therefore, safe for those with lactose intolerance. Casein is not present. 

Q: How does Santivia Immune work?
A: Santivia Immune is clinically proven to intelligently up-regulate your immune system when an infection attack is happening and to down-regulate it when the attack is over to reach a calm, balanced state.

This is called immune modulation or immune regulation.   

It is important to have a balanced immune system because an under-regulated immune system may be too weak to fight off an infection and an over-active one may lead to complications such as auto-immune conditions.  

A balanced immune system is required so it can recognise, respond to, and remember the same foreign invader for faster effective defence in the future. It also helps protect your body against free radicals that cause cell and DNA damage.


Q: What is the difference between Santivia Immune and other immune supplements?
A: (a) Many other immune supplements are herbal or plant based such as Echinacea, Lingzhi and Cordyceps. They have been used to boost or stimulate the immune system, often to keep cough and colds at bay. Occasional usage is usually without problems.

They work by stimulating immune cells (monocytes, neutrophils, granulocytes) which are already present, through a mechanical biochemical reaction to a higher level of activity. 

However, the continual stimulation of an already compromised immune system can result in exhaustion of hormones, nutrients and co-factors. Overstimulation of the immune system may lead to complications such as auto-immune disorders. 

On the other hand, Santivia Immune is a clinically proven immune modulator, which means it intelligently up-regulates your immune system when an infection attack is happening and down-regulates it when the attack is over to reach a calm, balanced state. Santivia Immune is unique because it works to truly balance your immune system.

(b) Poor nutrition, Infection, Toxins, Trauma and Stress ("PITTS") damage immune system communication molecules so the immune system is in disarray.

Santivia Immune replaces these communication molecules lost due to "PITTS" and supports full and effective immune capability. Plant-based immune products contain no communication molecules and have no effect on cell communication so are more limited in their immune function abilities.

(c) There are no side effects or contra-indications with Santivia Immune.

With all the plant-based immune stimulants, people with auto-immune disorders should not use them for reasons given above. Specific to Lingzhi, it should not be consumed by those with low blood pressure, or taking blood pressure medication or having surgery due to the blood thinning properties.  Specific to Cordyceps, it lowers blood sugar which can be dangerous for diabetics. Also, as it thins blood, should not be used with other blood thinners and should not be taken before surgery.


Q: Is an immune product really a necessity? 
A: Many factors of modern life take their toll on your immune response: Stress, dietary and lifestyle issues, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, mutating viruses, mould exposure, and modern-day chemicals.

In this day and age, a dietary supplement to enhance a balanced immune system response enables the body to better able to respond to the demands placed on it by stress and environmental factors.

Santivia Immune is an advanced dietary supplement formulated to provide the daily protection for you and your family for optimal immunity. It helps modulate your immune response by supporting immune cell communication.


Q: Why is it important to modulate immune cell communication?
A: When functioning properly, your immune system is a formidable defence mechanism essential to maintaining optimal health. 

However, normal immune function is affected by “PITTS”: Poor nutrition, Infections, Toxins, Trauma and Stress. Examples include inadequate nutrient intake, environmental pollutants and toxins. 

The introduction of these factors to your immune system can damage important communication pathways between immune cells. Without good cell signalling and communication, immune cells do not properly recognise, respond and remember how to respond to deal with invaders efficiently in the future.

Proper communication between immune cells is accomplished through a number of low molecular weight molecules that are naturally present in your immune system. Santivia Immune contains such low molecular molecules for cell communication.


Q: Can Santivia Immune be used by the elderly?
A: Yes, all adults, including the elderly, can take 1 capsule twice daily. It can be ingested or mixed with food or beverage.

If you have a pre-existing compromised immune system, we recommend starting with a larger serving size. Perhaps 2 to 3 capsules twice daily. 

For best results, use regularly on a daily basis.


Q: Can Santivia Immune be used by children?
A: Yes, children from the age of 2 to 12 years of age may take one capsule daily. It can be mixed into their food or beverage. We recommend mixing it into yoghurt or smoothies.

Children above the age of 12 may take one capsule two times daily.

If they have a pre-existing compromised immune system, we recommend starting with a larger serving size. Perhaps 2 to 3 capsules daily.

For best results, use regularly on a daily basis.


Q: Can Santivia Immune be used during pregnancy?
A: Women who are lactating or pregnant should consult their doctor before use.


Q: If I am feeling rundown or surrounded by infectious people, can I take more than the recommended serving size?
A: Yes. The recommended serving size is necessary to help your immune system daily to combat the negative effects of modern lifestyle challenges.

However, if you are exposed to infectious situations or feeling rundown or stressed, we encourage you to increase the daily serving size by double or more.

Many have found it beneficial to increase the serving size as soon as they anticipate the possibility of falling ill. It is safe to do so.

Q: Can I take Santivia Immune for a long period of time?
A: It is non-toxic and is safe for life long consumption. Daily and continued use provides continued support because it helps your immune system which is exposed to every day factors such as poor nutrition, infection, toxins, trauma and stress.


Q: Will I experience negative effects to my health if I stop taking the supplement for a period of time?
A: When you stop taking the supplement, you will no longer have the specific support provided in combating every day factors such as stress, pollution and poor nutrition.

The benefits are safe and passive (last for hours), but leaves benefits for as long as your immune system is not further diminished by stress and other modern lifestyle challenges.  

‎In some people, this can be only a very short time, while others it may be longer. After you stop, one can presume you at least start at a better point but will net-out to your support vs stressors. This is why it is recommended as a daily supplement.


Q: Is there possible interactions with Santivia Immune and other substances?
A: It is complementary to other supplements, medication and food ingredients. 

Q: Are there side effects to taking Santivia Immune?
A: Santivia Immune contains ingredients that are Generally Recognised as Safe and is a food form supplement. It non-stimulatory and suitable for long term daily use. No adverse reactions have been reported.


Q: Should Santivia Immune be taken before or after meals?
A: It can be taken any time of the day, before or after meals.

Q: Are there any storage conditions for Santivia Immune?
A: The product should be stored in a cool, dry place.


Q: Does Santivia Immune contain gluten?
A: No, it is a gluten-free product. 

Q: Does Santivia Immune contain salt?
A: No, it is free from salt.


Q: Does Santivia Immune contain any preservatives?
A: No, it is free from preservatives.


Q: Does Santivia Immune contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners?
A: No, it is free from any added sugar or artificial sweeteners.


Q: Does Santivia Immune contain artificial flavouring?
A: No, it is free from artificial flavouring. 


Q: Does Santivia Immune contain artificial colouring?
A: No, it is free from artificial colouring.


Q: Does Santivia Immune contain nuts?
A: No, it is free from nuts.


Q: Does Santivia Immune contain casein?
A: No, it is free from casein.


Q: Is Santivia Immune safe for people who are lactose intolerant?
A: Large milk proteins are removed. It is safe for those who are lactose intolerant. 


Q: Is Santivia Immune suitable for vegetarians?
A: It is suitable for vegetarians. It is not suitable for vegans.


Q: Is Santivia Immune suitable for people with allergies to fruit?
A: This product does contain blueberry extract. It is not suitable for people with allergies to blueberries.